The scientific name for the tree of heaven.
ailanthus altissima common name.
names including stinking sumac, Chinese sumac, varnish tree and stink tree,
Ailanthus altissima ( Mill. ) Swmgle.
English name for the Tree of Heaven.
Planting the Tree of Heaven
A.glandulosa Desf.
where did the tree of heaven come from.
native to northeastern and central China,
tree of heaven identification.
The Heaven tree is one of the ornamental trees that leaves in winter. It is a very tall tree, about 20 meters high. It is a strong, fast-growing tree.
The tree of Heaven is dioecious and has compound leaves. The length of the leaf ranges from 0.3 – 1 meter, and the number of leaflets ranges from 11 – 14 leaflets. The edge is serrated and smooth from the bottom.
The flowers of the Heaven tree are small, greenish-white, gathered in terminal cluster inflorescences with an unpleasant odor, and they bloom in early spring.
As for the fruits of the tree of heaven, they are red wings, and each fruit contains one seed
Heaven tree propagation.
The sky tree is propagated by seeds and seedlings that appear under the trees. The sky tree can also be propagated by cuttings, where cuttings are chosen from branches older than a year and of an appropriate length between 20-25 cm and contain a number of fully mature eyes where they are cultivated. in the nursery and is taken into account in terms of irrigation and fertilization.
After about a year of planting the cuttings, it is planted in the nursery, where it is well cared for until it reaches a length of about 1.5 meters, where it is planted in the permanent land.
Watering of the Tree of Heaven:
The Heaven tree needs to be watered with interest during the spring and summer, provided that the irrigation is in moderation without drowning or thirst, provided that irrigation is done in moderation during the winter because it is deciduous trees, so irrigation is reduced during the winter, provided that a small percentage of moisture is kept in the soil.
Fertilizing the Tree of Heaven:
The Heaven tree is a large tree, so care should be taken to fertilize during the winter service in December and January with organic fertilizer, where 20 kg of well-decomposed municipal fertilizer is added and stirred into the soil around the tree.
As for the chemical fertilizer, the integrated fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be added NOK 19 – 19 – 19 at a rate of about 100 – 150
Gather mulch around the trees during the early spring and during the month of August with irrigation after adding fertilizer.
Pruning the Tree of Heaven.
The Heaven tree is one of the deciduous trees, so care must be taken during the month of December and January to remove the dry branches with the removal of stray branches so that the tree takes on its aesthetic shape as an ornamental tree.
Heaven Tree Uses:
1- The tree of heaven is one of the ornamental trees that are planted on the sides of roads and streets.
2- Paper is made from the wood of the sky tree, as well as matches.
3- Chemical substances such as glucosides and resins used in the manufacture of tanning materials are extracted from the bark of the tree of heaven.
Medicinal drugs are also extracted from the bark of the sky tree, which are used in the manufacture of medicinal drugs to treat worms and against diarrhea.
4- Some types of silk worms feed on the leaves of the tree of the sky on the leaves of the ailant (the tree of the sky), giving silk of the luxurious type called Ailantine.
5- The leaves of the tree of heaven are very toxic to humans, and when chewed, they cause severe inflammation in the human digestive tract. Nevertheless, they are suitable as fodder for sheep.
6- The dust of the pollen of the trees of the sky (the feminine organ) causes asthma and chest allergy, so it should be avoided during the spring season.
Heaven Tree features.
The sky tree is characterized by its resistance to drought and high cold, as well as it can grow in poor lands as well as calcareous lands, and it also resists pollution of the surrounding environment, so it is one of the trees with a high ability to be cultivated in the desert as fences and windbreaks during the summer, provided that it is a second row with another type From windbreaks as it is from falling leaves in winter.