Scientific name of the cissus plant:
Cissus rotundifolia
Cissus rotundifolia
. Vahl
The English name of the cissus plant:
Arabian Wax Cissus.
- Cissus plant is one of the plants of the blueberry family, and it is a widespread family that follows the dicotyledonous plants.
- Most of the plants of this family are climbers by means of tendrils, and a few of them are bushy plants, and the flowers are hermaphrodite or unisexual.
- The flowers are found in clustered compound inflorescences, the calyx, the corolla, and the pollen consists of 4-5 parts.
- As for the fruit, it is a berry, and this family is represented by one genus, following one species, and its scientific name is .
Cissus rotundifolia.
Botanical description of Cissus plant.
- Cissis is a succulent, climbing, succulent plant with a square stem. The leaves are glossy, olive-green (light green), 6-8 cm in diameter, with a serrated edge. As it ages, the stem becomes hollow.
- As for the flowers, they are green, tend to white, and the fruits are a red grape with a round shape, and the seses plant is one of the rare plants, and it is one of the very attractive plants.
Cissus plant propagation.
- The Cissus plant multiplies with the stem or leaf mind, which grows easily at any time of the year, whether in summer, winter, spring or autumn, and when planting it needs sandy soil and is not suitable for cultivation in clay soil.
Water needs of Cissis plants.
- Cissus plant does not need abundant irrigation, but irrigation is at somewhat spaced times because it is a juicy plant that does not need heavy irrigation, but irrigation is according to the needs
- of plants and environmental conditions in the region.
Fertilizing Cissus Plants.
- Fertilizing should not be excessive at all, but it should be fertilized at the appropriate rates using the integrated fertilizer NPK 12-12-12 provided that the fertilization is done at a rate of 50 g / adult plant and is done every two months at the same rate.
Uses of Cissus plants:
- 1 – Cissus plants are planted in rocky gardens, and a support must be established for the plant to climb on it by means of tendrils. The plant is not left without a support as it falls to the ground and is damaged.
- 2- Cissus plant is cultivated in home gardens for the beauty of its attractive appearance, and it must be planted in sunny places, away from fences, with interest in making a suitable support for the plant.