scientific name of mexican cypress tree
cupressus lusitanica Mill:
The original home of the Kupressus lusitanca trees:
Mexico. Guatemalan. Costa Rica
Mexican cypress
Common names
The Mexican cypress, cedar of Goa, cedro blanco, cedro blanco del desierto, cedro
Botanical description of the mexican cypress tree
The cupressus lusitanica, are evergreen conical trees, their height ranges between 20-30 meters. The leaves are bluish-green scaly, turning to light green with the age of the trees.
The trees bear male cones at the ends of the branches, and other small wooden female cones, about 0.5 cm in diameter, with scales on which the seeds are carried.
Propagation of mexican cypress tree
The mexican cypress tree are propagated by planting seeds that thrive in coastal areas, where the seeds are planted in planting holes or wooden planting boxes that contain an agricultural environment of peat moss + silt + sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 and successively with good agricultural service.
After the emergence of the real leaves, the plants are separated into pots or suitable planting bags until they reach the appropriate length, and that is when the length of the plants reaches about 30-40 cm, as they are rotated in pots or larger planting bags, until they are planted in permanent land.
mexican cypress tree food fertilizer
The mexican cypress tree are fertilized by the addition of neutral (chemical) mineral fertilizer NPK 19: 19: 19. The major nutrients are nitrogen – phosphorus – potassium at a rate of 400 g / tree from 5-7 years of age.
Where the fertilizer is added in two batches, the first batch is during the month of March and the second batch is during the month of August.
mexican cypress tree light requirements.
The mexican cypress tree, Cupressus lusitanca, must be planted in permanent soil in sunny, well-lit places, so that the trees can grow well.
As the light is very important for the process of photosynthesis in which the plant uses the energy it derives from the light reaching the mechanism in the representation of carbon dioxide + water in the construction of carbohydrates, from which the rest of the other nutritional components that the plant needs are created to complete its life well.
mexican cypress tree soil
The mexican cypress tree must be grown in fertile, well-drained soil free from harmful salts, as ornamental trees, Cupressus lusitanca, are very sensitive to salinity, whether soil salinity or irrigation water salinity.
Also, mexican cypress tree (Copressus lusitanca) should be planted in soil that is neutral in acidity and alkalinity, where the soil PH should be approximately between 5.5-6.5.
mexican cypress tree, Cupresses lusitanca, are among the beautiful trees that are planted out of home gardens
mexican cypress tree Uses
1- mexican cypress tree are among the trees that are planted on the sides of public roads.
2- mexican cypress tree are grown in gardens and public parks.
3- mexican cypress tree, Cupressus lusitanca, are planted in home gardens and on both sides of the entrance to the gardens.
mexican cypress tree,mexican cypress wood,
4- The wood of mexican cypress tree, is used in many wooden industries and home fu