Endive: The method of planting Dandelion fertilizer watering propagation Varieties dandelion is placing seeds and covering them with a layer of soil, soft peat moss or silt, and placing them in a place where there is no bright light, while continuing irrigation until the dandelion seeds germinate After that, each seedling is moved to a suitable place to protect it from rooting and death when it reaches 3 cm. Some basic fertilization (NBK) is applied in appropriate quantities to help germination.
Dandelion is a leafy waist plant, and it belongs to the compound family – Compositae:
Information about plants Dandelion.Dandelion
The stems of a dandelion are similar to that of a lettuce. They are short in the first growing season, then elongate at the flowers and branch and bear the light heads.
The length of the stem at the flowers is about 90 cm and it is hollow, and the leaves gradually decrease in size from the bottom to the top of the stem.
The leaves are serrated on the edge and superficially lobed or inwardly lobed.
The taste of the leaves has some bitterness in the outer leaves, and the bitterness of the leaves is reduced in the white inner leaves.
Dandelion VarietiesDandelion varieties are divided into two parts according to the texture of the leaves.
1 – Varieties with wrinkled leavesWrinkled varieties include the most common varieties and from them.
** Green Curled .
The leaves of this variety are green, upright lobed, deeply lobed, and the middle vein is thick
** White Curled.
The leaves are white – the leaves are fringed, the middle vein is thick and tinged with red and the heart is creamy white.
2 – Varieties with smooth leaves:This group is sometimes used as a vegetable in cooking, in addition to using it fresh in salads, including.
** Florida Deep Heart : or (Full Heart.
The cultivation of this variety is widespread – the plant is spreading, but there is a large number of light inner leaves – and the outer leaves are relatively broad and wavy.
Environmental needs of dandelion.Cultivation of dandelion succeeds in all types of lands, but it is preferable to plant it in heavy lands – growth is fast and production is early in light lands.
The cultivation of dandelion is suitable for moderate weather, watery to cold, and the high temperature leads to the tendency of plants to bend plants towards early flowers, thus losing their marketing value as the stems are elongated and bitterness increases.
Date of planting dandelion.Dandelion is propagated by seeds that are planted in the nursery during the month of September until November.
Dandelion plants are transplanted 4-6 weeks after planting them in the nursery, depending on the prevailing temperature.
Dandelion propagation methods.An acre of dandelion requires about half a kilogram of seeds.
The planting is carried out in the nursery on lines 15 cm apart from each other, in tubs measuring 2 x 2 meters.
The dandelion is planted in the permanent ground in lines at a rate of 12 lines in the two stalks and is planted on both sides of the line and at a distance of 15 cm between the plant and the other.
Dandelion Crop Service Operations: 1 – hoeing :The hoeing is done superficially to remove weeds.
It is necessary to provide the ground moisture constantly so that the plant growth does not stop, as the lack of ground moisture leads to the hardness of the leaves and the deterioration of their quality.
Dandelion Fertilizer.The dandelion is fertilized by adding 20 cubic meters of well-degraded, weed-free fertilizer to be added during the preparation of the land for planting. The following fertilizers are also added in two batches