organic fertilizer advantages.

The organic fertilizer

organic fertilizer advantages
organic fertilizer advantages

contains the major fertilizer elements NPK, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, as well as the minor elements of magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese.

Where the fertilizer elements are in an insoluble form, and after adding organic fertilizers to the soil, it is exposed to microbial activity, causing it to turn into a soluble form suitable for absorption by plants.

Studies that dealt with the mineralization of fertilizer elements with organic manure indicate that 35% of the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium elements are facilitated during the first year, 35% in the second year, and 30% in the third year.

The addition of organic manure is considered essential for most crops, not only for its content of fertilizer elements, but also for its effect on raising the organic content of the lands, and the consequent increase in the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen and secretes growth regulators and stimulants that directly affect the The cultivated crop without the damage that may appear if the plants are sprayed with these materials.

Benefits of converting agricultural waste and residues into organic fertilizer:

1- Stabilization of organic waste in a specific place (waste storage and preservation).

2- Reducing the volume of solid waste.

3- Eliminate pathogenic microbes, which are very harmful to plants.

4- Returning organic matter to the soil again.

5- Resisting the phenomenon of desertification as a result of protecting the soil in terms of the following.

* Maintaining the texture of the soil and improving its aeration.

* Increasing the diversity of microorganisms in the soil.

* Modify the soil PH and improve the ability of the soil to retain its moisture.

* Restricting soil pollutants and improving the possibility of their decomposition.
Benefits of adding organic fertilizers to the soil:
1- Organic fertilizers are considered a storehouse of the fertilizer elements necessary for the growth of plants.

2- Organic fertilizers provide the soil microbes with food and energy that enable them to decompose the organic matter and release the nutrients in a way that is easy for the plants.

3- Organic fertilizers maintain the biological balance of soil organisms.

4 – Organic fertilizers are considered as a fundamental reformer of the natural and chemical properties of the soil, as the organic matter improves the ground construction in sandy lands and improves ventilation and gas exchange in lime and clay lands.

5- The addition of organic fertilizers to the soil increases the cationic exchange capacity of the soil, which increases its ability to retain nutrients and not lose them in the wastewater.

6- Organic fertilizers are considered a soil regulator against rapid changes in acidity, alkalinity, salinity, toxic elements, pesticide residues and chemical pollution.

7- The added organic fertilizers protect the soil surface from erosion by water and wind, preserve the aggregates of soil granules, increase the field capacity of water, and increase the period of wetting the soil surface.

8- The organic fertilizer added to the soil maintains the soil temperature, moisture, ventilation and permeability, which leads to the ease of spreading of roots and improving the growth of plants.

9- The organic fertilizers added to the soil provide the plants with the necessary nutrients on a regular basis throughout the growth period of the plants, whether they are major elements, minor elements, or rare elements.

10 – The organic fertilizers added to the soil make phosphates and the necessary micro-elements in a more accessible form for uptake by plants.

11- Organic fertilizers added to sandy lands work to retain irrigation water by increasing the ability of soil granules to stick together, which helps to increase the capillary spaces in the soil and this helps to retain water well.