fertilizing roses
Rose fertilization is very important for the success of rose cultivation and obtaining
Good growth, abundant and good production of flowers, as well as strong plants that resist diseases
And pests, so you should pay attention to developing a program
Good fertilization and the provision of the three essential elements, namely nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium on a regular basis
Nitrogen: The plant needs a percentage of nitrogen during the different stages of growth, due to the
The way to provide organic fertilizers
But the largest percentage is obtained by adding nitrogen fertilizers to the soil; the effect of nitrogen fertilization appears.
quickly on plants after adding them; Faster than any trace element appears
another fertilizer; Where new growths appear
It is green in color and also there is an increase in the speed of growth and the leaves increase in size as well as the characteristics of flowers in terms of quantity
or quality; Nitrogen also helps promote rapid vegetative growth of leaves and stems
Nitrogen fertilizer is added to roses in several forms, including:
1- Ammonium sulfate.
2- Ammonium nitrate.
3- Sodium nitrate.
4- Calcium nitrate.
5- Urea.
It is usually added to the soil at a rate of one and a half kilograms per 100 square meters.
Phosphorous fertilizer is often added to the soil during the sowing period; Phosphorous fertilizer needs a large period of time to
becomes in a plant absorbable form; Therefore, it is added during the preparation of the land for cultivation, that is, before planting
Pictures of superphosphate fertilizer.
1- Single super phosphate fertilizer.
2- Triple Super Phosphate Fertilizer (Tarbol)
Potassium fertilizer:
Potassium is an important fertilizing element, as it helps nitrogen and phosphorous
In performing their physiological functions well within the plant tissues; It also improves the characteristics of flowers
; Increasing plant resistance to fungal diseases.
Rose fertilizer:
The following fertilizers can be used to fertilize roses:
1- Organic fertilizers: They may be organic or animal fertilizers. or leftover fish;
dried bone powder; Or dried blood powder.
This works on these different fertilizers.
1- Supplying the plant with the main nutrients and some minor elements.
2- It improves the natural properties of the soil.
3- Organic fertilizers provide bacteria in the soil, which helps to quickly analyze nutrients well
Addition rates of organic fertilizers for rose plants:
Organic fertilizers are added to roses at the following rates:
1- In the case of using animal manure; A layer 10 cm thick is added above the soil surface
; During the period from the beginning of November to the end of February.
2- In the case of dried animal waste, which contains 12-14% nitrogen and has no effect
is fast and direct on vegetative growth; Add a tablespoon at the rate of each plant.
mineral (chemical) fertilization.
Basic Elements of Rose FertilizationFor rose plants:
This means fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, which are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and these fertilizer elements
Mineral is faster in its effect than organic fertilizers; Because it contains more fertilizers than it
with organic fertilizers; For example, a ton of organic fertilizer contains an amount of nitrogen equivalent to the amount present in
10 kg of ammonium sulfate. The mineral fertilizer may be added individually in what is called nitrogen fertilizer.
or phosphorous fertilizerOr potassium fertilizer, which is known as NPK complete fertilizer and the most appropriate rates
The fertilizer of this fertilizer for roses is 4:8:4 or 4:12:4 of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
Ways to add fertilizer to the rose:
First: Fertilization with a mulch:
It is used for fertilizing with NPK mineral fertilizers. When fertilizing by spraying, the following must be strictly taken into account.
1- Not to water the plants at least one day before fertilizing.
02_ hoeing it superficially before carrying out the composting process.
3- Laying the manure spread around the stubble area; The compost should be at least 10 cm away from the center of the tree.
4- watring is done immediately after spreading the fertilizer.
5- The mineral fertilizer grains should not reach the leaves at all.
Fertilizing roses by spraying.
fertilize rose plants with foliar fertilizer; It does not dispense with the ground fertilization; Spray fertilization leads to
increased number of flowers borne on long stems; The percentage increase in the number of flowers was estimated
resulting from foliar fertilization by spraying equivalent to 20-30%; The quality of the resulting flowers also increases; From
In terms of size and color. It also leads to the green color of the leaves, as well as the size and area of the leaves
Foliar fertilization also helps in resisting fungal diseases that plants may be exposed to. This must be done
The following should be taken into account when performing the foliar spray fertilization process.
Basic Elements of Rose Fertilization1- Adding a publisher material such as Triton Bee
2- Use the appropriate concentrations for each fertilizer.
3- Foliar fertilization begins when the leaves open at the beginning of the growing season and is repeated every two weeks until the beginning of June.
Rose fertilization date.
Where the fertilization process must be carried out at the beginning of the period from the opening of the buds until the formation of the flowers; which range
between 5-6 weeks; This gives the roses flowers intensively in four periods throughout the year and needs to be
Fertilization on dates a month and a half earlier
1- The first period of sowing is on the first of May and the fertilization takes place in the middle of March.
2- The second period of fertilization is on the 20th of June, and the fertilization takes place on the first of May
3- The third period of fertilization is on the 15th of August, and the fertilization takes place on the first of July
4- The fourth period of sowing is on the first of October, and the fertilization takes place on the first of September.
From this and these dates, a fertilizer program can be made throughout the year in order to obtain flowers
Good and many flowers as well as good and lively plants throughout the year